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Current time: 04:44
Results 1 - 10 of more than 50
12, Rue des Trois Cailloux
80010 Amiens
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49.892608, 2.298522

12, Rue des Trois Cailloux
80010 Amiens
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49.892325, 2.298569

6, Rue d'Alsace
49021 Angers
47.470871, -0.551458
6, Rue d'Alsace
49021 Angers
47.470689, -0.551641

25, Avenue du Parmelan
74009 Annecy
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45.906987, 6.134212

25, Avenue de Parmelan
74009 Annecy
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45.907032, 6.134276

Avenue de la Croix Rouge
84000 Avignon
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43.927263, 4.836345
Avenue de la Croix Rouge
84000 Avignon
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43.926745, 4.836302

37, Boulevard Paoli
20200 Bastia
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42.7008556, 9.4502467

28-30, Rue Thiers
64100 Bayonne
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43.492596, -1.477017