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Current time: 00:39
Results 1 - 10 of more than 50
1 rue de Budapest
44000 Nantes
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47.215952, -1.56061


1-3 rue Lafayette
75009 Paris
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48.8733669365136, 2.33341455459595

1380 rue Revermont
01000 Bourg en Bresse
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46.2094537, 5.2439901
16 rue de la République
13001 Marseille
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43.2974355, 5.3732109

17 place d'Allier
03000 Moulins sur Allier
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46.5645257311437, 3.32911491394043

18 rue des 3 Cailloux
80000 Amiens
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49.8924088525792, 2.29962944984436


19-23 rue de Béthune
59800 Lille
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50.6347587, 3.0641296
3, place de Genève
73000 Chambéry
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45.5700276, 5.9295713

31 rue de la république
69000 Lyon
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45.762987395753, 4.83582973480225

35, rue du Docteur Oursel
27000 Evreux
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49.0266132376361, 1.14811420440674